
講師メッセージ スティーブン・F・テロ

UMass MBA 経営学教員 「イノベーションと新技術」担当

Steven F. Tello, Ed. D.

UMass MBA 経営学教員

Vice Provost for Innovation
Workforce Development

we (student and professor) enjoy and benefit from our online discussions

What technology innovation has brought us


We live in a world where technology innovation has brought both challenge and opportunity. Life sciences, information and media technologies, robotics, advanced materials and other fields of science and technology hold the key to solving global problems while creating new business opportunities.
At the same, local and regional businesses are challenged by global competitors that may disrupt established companies and business models.

The MBA introduces students to five key business disciplines





Innovation & Emerging Technology examines technology innovation and its relationship to value-creation and business strategy.
The overall goal of this course is to help you, the business school student, to understand, appreciate and learn to manage the technology innovation process.
We examine innovation strategy and governance, innovation planning and evaluation models, IP and licensing practice, fundraising and the commercialization process required to launch new businesses around innovative products and technologies.
The MBA is a very practical degree that introduces students to five key business disciplines (accounting, finance, marketing, organizational behavior, operations & information systems).
The goal of this course is to help you, the student, draw on case studies, real-world experience and these five key disciplines to develop and implement innovation policy and practice.

This exchange has increasing value





The Japanese students I have worked with through Abitus typically bring professional knowledge in specific technical and scientific disciplines.
This is most helpful in analyzing and discussing the technology-based innovation cases we use in the course.
I find these students are very engaged in the course work since it often relates to challenges they face in their own companies.
My job is to help teach and link business knowledge with the students understanding of the innovation process in a way that can be applied in their respective workplace.
My sense is that we (student and professor) enjoy and benefit from our online discussions related to the various course innovation topics.
We also have an opportunity to mix Japanese student from Abitus with our own US-based students, typically mid-career professionals with a science, engineering or business background.
The two international groups of students have an opportunity to both share experiences in local and global companies, and to learn from each other.
This exchange has increasing value in our rapidly growing global economy.